Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Dong Dong Chiang! We are back... after being really quiet AGAIN.

... standard answer... BUSY MAH.... well, those are just excuses.  The real reasons are actually firstly, I've been awfully lazy recently, and secondly, I've been using iPad more regularly than laptop and i'm still yet to discover a good way to blog using iPad.  I was wondering how to upload the photos.

Ah well... I've received good comments on my Chinese New Year reunion lunch menu which i have posted on Facebook.   My sister in law and friends even asked for recipe... paiseh... paiseh.  :P

As this year our flight back to Kuching is in the late afternoon, and has been my in law's family tradition to have reunion lunch instead of dinner, so obviously we missed the most important meal of the year.  We decided to have a small scale reunion lunch for just the 3 of us.  The menu is not too complicated and much taught was put into it as i wanted to create a meal that even my Lil Jane will love, and it is also suitable for adults.  So, 6 dishes was planned and cooked.

It was a good meal.  All dishes are made from scratch.  Nothing is ready made from supermarket freezer.  We enjoy the meal.  The best part is, there is no wastage of material.  All material were used and nothing being thrown away.  All food finished too.  Good.

In our next posts, I'll try to recall and document the recipe for a few of the dishes.  do come back to visit our blog if you are interested.