Thursday, March 17, 2011

Some sympathies for Japan please...someone.

Today lets not talk about food and seriously pray for Japan.  The victims are stranger to most of us, but we are brothers and sister in the eye of God.

Today i received another email from my best friend, BoonSiong from Malaysia.  He asked about actions taken by Singaporean government following the nuclear power plant explosion in Japan.  He is standing by to analyse food sample.  That's serious right?  It means of food chain is potentially affected by nuclear radiation.  Just a few days before this, BoonSiong wrote and talked about his friend in Japan whom are now only eat instant noodle and has no power or water supply.

At that very instant, i was thinking that at least his friend survived the earth quake and tsunami.  yesterday night i watched an extensive report on Japanese earth quake and tsunami and nuclear plant disaster on TVBS Asia.  It was so heat breaking to hear about the shortage of food and medication.  That's really worse than we could ever imagine.  How can this be happening in Japan, a developed country?  I cannot understand, but neither do i want to comment.  It is always easier to comment when we are standing outside and watching.  But from that i also do salute the calmness and discipline of the victim.  Can we still queue up for food and drinks?  or will we rush and fight?   The way the victims helped and supported each other really show unity in Japanese society.  That's something the world need to learn.

Back to food, the next time we have our meal, please look at every single grain of rice.  Do not waste food.  There are people in hunger now.  There are also farmers out there working so hard to provide food for all of us, and earn a very small income.  Food wastage prevention is not a "project" during crisis time, it is a life long culture that we should inculcate. 

Personally, i also do not know why, last night i started to keep Japan in my night prayer.  May God bless Japan.  Amen!  :P

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Ham... anyone

Ever wake up one morning and realize you really want to take a big bite at the ham...emm...hmm... ham.  Sound like a sudden gene mutation over night right.  ya... i think i have mutated... or may be insane.  :P 

As long as there is ham in it, I will not be able to resist not to take a bite.  below are just some of those that i love to bite:

Other than McMuffin with ham and McCafe triple decker with ham which i commonly get, the spaghetti carbornara i eat must also be with ham and not bacon.  :P

This weekend, may be i will try to make a melting cheese ham sandwich... but first of all, i must get a toaster so that i could grill the ham, and melt the cheese.  :D

Do you have the same madness for ham like me?  :P

Monday, March 14, 2011

Grass... someone?

Last Friday I went to my lil girl school for the once per semester exhibition and meet the teacher thingie and guess what...?  We brought back 3 plants grew by my lil angel.  We had a pot of mint, a pot of some red xxxx vege thingie and a tray of wheat grass.  郭老师told us to to cut and blend the wheat grass and make into know... wheat grass juice... To us, it's not just any wheat grass juice... it's D grass grown by my girl.  So, i thought on Sunday night, we will cut the wheat grass and then make it into juice so that everyone can have a sip of it... yumm..... that's good stuff packed with chlorophyll, vitamins and all the good stuff... emm... yum yum...

Ya... that's what we wished.  Last minute the owner of the grass refuse to let us cut it.  After 30minutes of bargaining, I gave up.  So, at the end, we did not get to drink any wheat grass juice after all.  but i can completely understand the feeling.  I remembered when i was a kid... may be primary 2... i found a chick one day on my way home from school.  So, my ah ko helped me to build a small cage to keep the chick... and as usual... all chick has the same fate... end up in someones pot... my lil chick was no exception.  One day my ah ko decided that d-day has arrived.  With my nonsense, she slaughtered the poor white hen.  after that i regretted.  i cried... ya and you know 鸡死不能复生, but I 化悲伤为力量 and ate a drum stick :D ... anyway... i just didn't want to invite trouble.  I know my girl, she will jump and jump if i cut the grass.

So... take another look at the "grass" we do not get to savour... it's Jane-Nat Wheat Grass... :P

Sunday, March 13, 2011

"Katong Laksa" home made style

Hi everyone, so sorry that we have disappeared for almost 2 months.  We were just busy.  Well, now we are back online, i would like to share with you our adventure of making Singapore laksa for the very first time yesterday.  It all started with our sudden addiction to the Katong Laksa outside United Square.  After a few days of research online, I finally satisfied with the following recipe...(Disclaimer:  it is not a healthy food, i say up front ah... high in fat and cholesterol.  Consume at your own risk...hahaha... but so damn good ohh  :P).  haha... my friend said we always have a home version of everything. 


4nos Shallots
6cloves Garlic
2tsp Turmeric powder
1tsp  Coriander seed powder (freshly roasted and ground)
5nos Candle nuts (buah keras)
2tbs chilli powder
2 lemon grass
2cm long "Lengkuas"
1/2tsp belacan
5pcs laksa leaves a.k.a. daun kesom
1 hand full of dried shrimp
1 packet of coconut milk
1 cup full cream milk
500ml water
cooking oil
Salt and sugar for seasoning

2 packet Laksa beehoon
Fish cake
Fresh prawn
taupok (bean curd)
Bean sprout a.k.a. taugeh
finely chopped laksa leaves

1. Using a blender, finely grind shallots and garlics, then grind dried shrimp and candle nut seperately.
2.  Using a medium size pot, tumis-tumis your bawang and chilli for a few minutes, then add in coriander seed powder, turmeric powder and candle nut.  Tumis-tumis for a few more 1 more minute, then add in the dried shrimp and belacan.  Tumis again for few minutes before add in coconut milk and fresh milk.   After that add in the daun kesom, lemon grass, lengkuas and water.
3.  When the gravy started to boil, reduce the heat and add in taupok.  Simmer for 5 minutes then season it with salt and sugar.
4.  To serve, blench some beehoon and taugeh.  Pour hot gravy over it and garnish it with boiled prawn and fish cake.  Add a bit of finely chopped laksa taste so good :P

I cannot say this is the best laksa in the whole Singapore, but for sure better than most of the hawker stores  :P ... and it's home made.  ... cannot say it's cheaper also.  With the amount of money i paid for the's probably still cheaper to eat outside... but the ingredient we used are of better quality :D  Not i 车大炮, this laksa really worth 4 out of 5 stars... serious... give it a try.

***** :D