Tea is traditionally classified based on the techniques with which it is produced and processed.
- White tea: Wilted and unoxidized
- Yellow tea: Unwilted and unoxidized, but allowed to yellow
- Green tea: Unwilted and unoxidized
- Oolong: Wilted, bruised, and partially oxidized
- Black tea: Wilted, sometimes crushed, and fully oxidized
- Post-fermented tea: Green tea that has been allowed to ferment/compost
My favourite favourite tea of all... is Teh-C. In Singapore, a good teh-c from well known coffee shop chain like Ya Kun or Toast Box can cost as much as $3 a cup. My favourite favourite would have to be Ya Kun as the taste is very consistent from store to store. A proof of quality control. As usual, i too have a home version... hahaha... my friend always say "what else that you don't make at home?" :P hahaha... actually, we are very experimental... we try to reproduce things we eat outside at home :P
To make Teh-C is not difficult. All we need is a good tea powder, evaporated milk and little sugar...of course hot water. I like Boh because the taste is strong. It will give me the "kao" taste. There is no secret other than pour the evaporated milk to the hot tea and add little sugar. The real secrete to get the tea "kao-kao" is the tea filter. In HongKong, this is called a stocking filter :P
With this filter, I can pour out the tea and return it to the pot through the filter a few times like making teh-tarik. hehe... it's delicious. and it doesn't cost much to make at home. when you did it at home, you will realize how high the profit margin is for this drink sold at coffee shop and coffee shop chain. :P
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