Monday, October 10, 2011

it is Soy...easy

One of the very nice thing i brought back from Dalian last year was this soya bean milk machine i bought there.  It was only about RMB500... approximately $100 a unit.  Ever since then, making soya milk has never been easier.  Just 6 steps, we can get creamy delicious soya milk.

Step 1:  Soak 2 cups of soya bean for 2 to 3 hours.  We can mix with a bit of black soya beans or red beans.  Actually the machine is able even to make with dry beans but i find it taste a bit "raw"  :P
Step 2:  off the bean into the soya bean milk maker's pot and make up the water to 1.5litre.
Step 3:  Close the cover tightly.
Step 4:  Slect the mode of cooking.
Step 5:  Let it cook... until you hear beeb beeb indicating that it is done.  Normally that's about 20minutes.
Step 6:  Pour the hot mixture out into the filtration unit and press the pulp with the tool given... and that's all.  We have got a nice delicious soya milk.

... washing is one part i dislike because there are alot of care required as it has some electrical connection near the wetted parts.  Other that that it is pretty easy.  it taste very nice too.

The soya bean maker is very good as it can make quite a few things including delicious blask sesame paste and green bean paste.

My mom was quite hardworking in making some time ago... but now... only i make for them.


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