Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Our favourite - Caesar Salad....our way :P

You probably had noticed that since we revived the blog sometime last week, we have mentioned Caesar Salad several times.  This is because this is indeed one of our favourite... emm emm... so today we will share the recipe... lets call it Caesar Salad our-way.  so it may not be the best Caesar salad in the world, but it's the way we like it.

 a)  Dressing
5 - 6 tablespoon Mayonnaise
1/2 teaspoon Dijon mustard
1/2 clove garlic
3 anchovies fillet
1/2 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce

Throw everything in a food processor and give it a good blend.  Dish out into a bowl and ready for use.

b)  Panini bread stick
3 tablespoon butter
1 clove finely chopped garlic
1 piece Panini bread

Mix butter and garlic and stir well.  spread the garlic butter to panini bread and throw it on top of a pan to grill.  when it is brown and crispy, remove it from heat and cut to long stick.

3) Salad
2 hard boiled eggs, cut to nice 1/6 wadges
2 large romaine lettuce, break to large piece
10 cherry tomatoes, half all of them
Parmesan cheese powder
1/2 can tuna chunk in brine

mix the romaine lettuce and cherry tomato in a large salad bowl.  pour dressing over it and mix well.  Gardish and serve with half boil egg, tuna flakes, bread stick and parmesan cheese.

nice!!  simple and quick.  you can give it a try  :P

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