Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Late night "Eco-friendly" kim-bap

Anyonghasaeyo!  it's our kim-bap again.  ... and today featuring the "Eco-friendly" version!

what??  Actually the real story is... tonight there is some left over rice... purple rice (we call it black rice... but really... it's actually black when it is raw, but purple when it is cooked).  So... we pull out a piece of Nori sheet from the fridge, and crab sticks, sausage, carrot, cucumber and egg.  We boiled the carrot sticks and made a omelet and cut to stick strip...

....and we roll, roll, roll ...

it's yummy... and not so sinful since we only have enough rice to make just one roll.  haha

did i mention... the dipping sauce is actually the left over Caesar dressing from last Sunday dinner... amazing huh...

Don't waste your food.  do a "Eco-friendly" kim-bap!

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