Saturday, January 15, 2011

3 days roll up

oppss... have not been updating the blog for 2 days and as i compiled, i realized that we have consumed quite a fair bit of food.  I cannot say they are the healthiest food, but mostly home made. :P

13 Jan:
Lunch:  Office packed lunch is the same food as the previous day's dinner.  Fried bean with sambal and sweet pork. 
Dinner:  Chinese sausage ommelette and fried brinjal.  Pat had some kimchi as well. 

14 Jan:
Lunch:  Again is the same as the dinner from the previous dinner.  Mom will usually cook extra for dinner and pack for next day's lunch.  I will then reheat in microwave oven in office.
Dinner:  We had fried kangkong, steamed fish and "hairy melon" soup.  The fish is steamed in somewhat teochew style. 

15 Jan:
Lunch:  Simple lunch, adults had fried beehoon while the small little girl had her favourite organic rice pasta soup. 
Dinner:  Only Pat, Jane-nat and I at home for dinner.  We had home made tempura dinner.  We fried prawns, fresh mushroom and tofu.  The sauce is not really home made though.  It's bottled concentracted sauce.  we also made Japanese potato salad with boneto flakes and miso soup.  To make the dinner more complete, we bough 1 serving of salmon sashimi.  yum!  The little girl is not feeling well.  She ate steamed egg with minced pork and carrot in the Japanese potato salad.

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