Sunday, January 16, 2011

Tempura - The homemade way

To spice up life, it is interesting to make something different.  How about making Japanese food.  It's not so difficult... try our little home recipe.  It's quick and it's home made.  It's cheap also.

For jump start, go to any supermarket and grab these 2 item:
They are tempura flour and concentrated tempura sauce.  After u get these, then think about what we want to fried.  We can pratically tempura anything.  Prawn, squid, fish, crab stick, and most of any other seafood.  Tempura vegetable is also very good.  We use to fried carrot, lotus root (yum.. good), pumpkin, asparus, ladies finger, mushroom etc.

Last Saturday, as there were only Pat and I eating, so we made it very simple.  We only had prawn, tofu and oyster mushroom.  To make it, it's very simple.  Just make the tempura batter as per the tempura flour mix instruction.  We use Nissin tempura flour.  It's pretty good.  never tried other brand anyway.  for the sauce, we use Hinode concentracted tempura sauce.  We only need to mix one part of the sauce with 2 part of hot water. 

It's a simple enough to make, and very delicious.  It may not look as good as those from restaurant, but guarantee to taste good.  We also made a bowl of Japanese potato salad.  To make this, just add mayonaise to boiled potato (cut into cubes) and bunch of boiled baby carrot.  Just add in some boneto flakes for garnishing.

To make the meal complete, we also served miso soup, salmon sashimi and roasted seaweed.

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